Unit 1: City on the Sea Flashcards



PT3 Sample Speech Essay : "The Role of Students in Environmental Conservation" 

Hello, fellow young eco-warriors!

Today, I want to talk to you about something that affects us all: our environment. As students, we hold a crucial role in protecting our planet and securing a bright future for ourselves and the coming generations.

Firstly, let's understand that every action, no matter how small, matters. Simple acts like turning off lights, using less plastic, and picking up litter can have a huge impact on our environment.

Secondly, let's be the educators. Spread awareness about environmental issues, share what we learn in school about conservation, and inspire others to join our mission.

Thirdly, we can be innovators. Encourage and support eco-friendly projects and ideas. Use our creativity to come up with sustainable solutions to environmental challenges.

Moreover, let's be the voice for nature. Speak up for endangered species, forests, and oceans. Participate in clean-up events and tree-planting drives to make a tangible difference.

Lastly, let's be role models. Our actions will inspire our families, friends, and communities to embrace environmentally friendly practices.

Remember, we are the stewards of our planet's future. So, let's stand together and be the change-makers for environmental conservation. Together, we can create a healthier, cleaner, and happier world.

 Thank you!

180 words