Unit 1: City on the Sea Flashcards



PT3 Sample Narrative Essay : A Holiday in Cameron Highlands 

    My parents make it a point to take the family to a beach resort for a holiday at least once a year. My siblings and I look forward to these trips as we love swimming in the sea. 

    This year, however, my father suggested that we go to a highland resort instead. When he suggested the idea to us, there were groans of disappointments from all of us. A holiday without a beach was unheard-of in our family. How would we spend our time? We would probably be bored to death! 

    Nevertheless, my father was adamant that we try something different for a change. So, we packed our bags reluctantly and made our way to Cameron Highlands. We arrived there and checked into the bungalow my father had booked. It was a pleasant to us that the bungalow was very spacious and well-furnished, and there was even a fireplace. We were thrilled to have rooms of our own. 

    We visited the tea plantations, the flower nurseries, the strawberry farm and the fresh markets. We also took long walks and enjoyed the cool weather, which was a pleasant change from the scorching sun in Kuala Lumpur. 

    We also spent a lot of time indoors enjoying each other's company. We also played card and board games. It was nice to see my mother taking a break from the kitchen and relaxing with her storybooks. 

    On the fourth day, we were rather sad to leave. All of us had enjoyed the break extremely. Although it was not the holiday that we had expected, it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable trips as the family had enjoyed quality time with each other. We had definitely changed our perspective about highland holidays. I have learned that we should not be afraid of changes as it may do good to us.