Unit 1: City on the Sea Flashcards


 PT3 Sample Opinion Essay : Teacher's Role 

    There is no denying the fact that the role of a teacher in a student's life is of great importance. Teachers make an impact on a student's life from the time he or she steps into a nursery school right up to the launching of his  or her career. Indeed, their functions go way beyond the confines of the classroom. 

    A teacher's role is primarily to facilitate education. Good education is the foundation of a successful adult and a progressive nation. Teacher have the ability  to develop a liking or dislike among their students for the subjects they teach. They are truly capable of inspiring students to develop their cognitive process and choose the right path in their pursuit of quality education. 

    These days, more and more children grow up in households where both parents have to work. Thus children look to their teachers for help, guidance and advice. Although teachers cannot replace the role of parents, they play a crucial role in laying the foundation for developing a child's personality. 

    Teacher also play the role of a counsellor to students. They often become friends and confidants of students who need help with their personal problems. In the process, they help in the emotional development of students. When students fail to have a channel for venting their frustration or discussing their feelings with people at home, they will seek out the next figure of authority, namely their teacher. 

    The role of a teacher, therefore, is not just limited to the imparting of knowledge to students. They also help to shape the bright future of the children under their care.