Unit 1: City on the Sea Flashcards



Dear Gina, 
    I am so happy to hear from you. How are you and your family? I have been meaning to write to you about our last conversation. 
    I know exactly how you feel because I used to forsake rest too. I was spending too much time staying connected with my friends and relatives through emails, text messages and instant messenger. I did not get enough sleep at night so I ended up feeling tired and sleepy in the morning. 
    Here is what I did to overcome the problem. Firstly, I logged out from my email account, instant messenger or a social networking site when I wanted to go to sleep. Your friends will also log our if they see that you are not online. 
    Then, you should turn off any electrical devices in your bedroom. If you leave them switched on, the glowing screens or dim lights can make it harder for you to fall asleep. Moreover, hearing the pings coming from your devices in the middle of the night only makes matters worse. 
    I also think that you should make sleep a priority. Tell your friends that you will not answer any calls and text messages, or reply to emails one hour before your bedtime. This will give you enough time to prepare for bed. Your body and mind needs time to wind down as bedtime approaches. 
    Please try out these steps to a more peaceful slumber. A good night's sleep is what your body needs to boost your energy so you can focus in school the next day. 
    I hope these tips will be useful to you. Please write soon. 

Your friend, 