Unit 1: City on the Sea Flashcards




Based on the information below, write an article on Effects of Pollution for your school magazine. You are given the notes below to help you. 

  • Air Pollution 
    • lung and heart disease
    • fog and haze 
    • bad for eyes 
    • toxic gases blacken buildings. 
  • Water Pollution
    • unsafe for swimming 
    • sea creatures die 
  • Noise Pollution
    • hearing affected 
    • damage to ear
  • Control of pollution needs cooperation of 
    • government 
    • public 
    • individual
When writing the article:
  • you may use all the notes given
  • elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting 
  • make sure it is not less than 120 words. 
    Effects of Pollution 
    Pollution today is getting from bad to worse. There is air, water and noise pollution. The environment is becoming a dirty and an unhealthy place to be in.
    Air pollution has bad effects on our health. It makes us sick and unhealthy. City people who are exposed to the dirty air often suffer from lung and heart diseases. The polluted air is bad for the lungs and chest. Pollution causes fog or haze which is bad for the eyes. The toxic gases from vehicles on the road and factories blacken buildings and do damage to the concrete and walls. 
    When water is polluted, it is unsafe for swimming. When one swims in dirty water, one can suffer from skin disease and eye and ear irritation. Sea creatures die in polluted water, thus, reducing the sea creatue population. In conjuction, it also reduces the available seafood supply. 
    In addition, noise pollution does damage to the ears and causes hearing problems. The damage can be permanent. 
    The fight agaisnt pollution requires the cooperation of the government, public and all individuals. It is everybody's responsibility.